Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Another old guy complaining that "todays music isn't as good as the music I grew up with".  Every generation says the same thing.  I think we all have a time in our lives, 18 - 30 (?) that becomes the music we love.  Because the boomer generation is so large, and wealthy, it stands to reason our music will rule the airwaves for some time to come.  At 67, I still try to listen to newer artist but must confess I find it very difficult to engage.  I turn on the local University station and find myslef wondering why anyone would listen to that crap.  Oh no, I've become my father.  

As Bob Seger would say, the music today just doesn't have the same old soul. 

Bob Seger did say it, and he said it about 70's music, as that's when he put that out. Was he talking about his own 'today's music', too, or did he just mean everybody else's?

I disagreed 100% with that sentiment then, and I still do today. Just goes to show that people have been complaining about 'today's music' for a lot of decades now. 

There is plenty of great new music being created constantly; just takes a little longer to find what you like. I agree that the business is totally different from what it was - I used to work in the retail and wholesale end of the biz from '74 - '84 - it was a lot more fun then, and the execs could often be as loony as the artists. 

Well the good news is with streaming now especially there is way more good music already out there and accessible to anyone who cares already than I will ever be able to listen to. It would take me 98 days and 19 hours to just listen to all 30 some thousand tracks in my digital library once. Then there is the 100s of albums on the shelf. Then there is qbuz Spotify, internet radio and such. I better get busy! Then, I might have time left to watch a movie or two.

Shazam,  streaming is the key, so much good music made in recent decades, just not in commercial releases. I'm sure at least 25% of listening 2010-now releases.

At  17  years i knew that rock was garbage and killing the Big Band that was at the height of American Music .

Music of romance died for "music"  of lust and dope which has done much evil 

to our society  , been there KNOW  that !