Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


When the technology was new some digitally remastered LP's were poorly done.  It's less of an issue nowadays, loudness wars not withstanding.

It use to be one had to spend alot of money to get digital even close to analog.With all the advancements in dacs including lower cost its the opposite now....but as they say there are 3 reasons why analog is inferior..1/ snap 2,/crackle 3/ pop...sorry analog guys but digital rules now. 

Ultimately, the 'best' amounts to 'the one you happen to prefer'.... Digital is great, Analog is great, music is great.... 

Personally the system set up really differs the argument here. 

Digital sources can be many things, just from my personal experience, 

CD vs Vinyl => sub 5,000 USD vinyl set up couldn't beat CD system.

Streamer vs Vinyl => sub 5,000 USD streamer generally sound pretty flat or dry (some may call it analytical) , anything below $1,000 USD streamer or turntable, you might be better off with digital radio. 

Streamer vs CD => below 5,000 USD set up, I think CD prevails in general. 

I would say, there are some products that offer standard sound quality to the market. Usually integrated all in ones can be a good start for digital and make a way up or to separates with DAC, vinyls, I can't say much since there are lots and lots of combinations that can be offered here to surpass digital components from $ 10,000.00 USD to sky is the only limit here. 

But in the end, the higher you want to get, you do need a good pair of speakers to reveal the true capabilities or characteristics of your components as well.