Personally the system set up really differs the argument here.
Digital sources can be many things, just from my personal experience,
CD vs Vinyl => sub 5,000 USD vinyl set up couldn't beat CD system.
Streamer vs Vinyl => sub 5,000 USD streamer generally sound pretty flat or dry (some may call it analytical) , anything below $1,000 USD streamer or turntable, you might be better off with digital radio.
Streamer vs CD => below 5,000 USD set up, I think CD prevails in general.
I would say, there are some products that offer standard sound quality to the market. Usually integrated all in ones can be a good start for digital and make a way up or to separates with DAC, vinyls, I can't say much since there are lots and lots of combinations that can be offered here to surpass digital components from $ 10,000.00 USD to sky is the only limit here.
But in the end, the higher you want to get, you do need a good pair of speakers to reveal the true capabilities or characteristics of your components as well.