Supra Cat 8 Ethernet cable

HI All

I recently purchased a Supra Cat 8 ethernet cable to replace the stock cable to my bluesound node 2i after hearing rave reviews of the Supras.  However, the Supra sounded rather bright and clinical in my system. Plus side it has a lot of details,  sounds very clear and bass prodution was pretty good but just sounded very forward and bright over my stock ethernet cable.   Am using Klipsch 6000 f speakers,  an XTZ power amp and a Freya + preamp.

I have not run in the Supra fully yet, about 7 hours. Will it get better over time? Has anyone who has used Supra to your node 2i felt the same. Or do you have a different opinion? Appreciate your views. 


Been using it for a while. Better than stock cable that came with the computer. No brightness problems.

I would probably blame the speaker more than the cable but that's just me 🤔

Youhave to remember you are only using roughly 5 volts .

you can have your amplifier off ,just put your digital playing on repeat, or if streaming just put a bunch of music on and let play burnin willbe much quicker  this way .

Ethernet cabling has an effect on the performance of your system. Leakage currents and the radiation of the cable are the problems. When the shield is connected at both sides (in theory a good thing, when the shield is tied to the chassis and not the signal ground) like CAT 8 there is a possibility that leakage currents will start to flow between your components. The cure would be CAT 5/6,  some kind of galvanic isolation (medical network isolator/transformer), or using a floating shield. Floating shields have less shielding effectiveness, but have the advantage of not transporting current between components. The radiation can be controlled by putting ferrite clamps on the both endpoints of the cable. Or putting extra layers of (floating) shield around the cable covered in layers of heatshrink/teflon tape between them. (dual/triple/quad shielding). Quick and dirty fix.

@ram18 don’t get sucked into the cables game at this level.
Upgrade speakers and components instead for better ROI….just my opinion.