@audiokinesis How is 110 dB max SPL "more total dynamics" than 114 dB max SPL?
The only way I can see that happening is IF the system noise floor is at least 5 dB lower for the 86 dB/250 watt system, and that’s not something you have included in your example.
(Dynamic range does not start where the amp is producing 1 watt; dynamic range starts at the system noise floor. I mention this because, upon re-reading, one of your posts above seems to make that assumption.)
I appreciate this informative discussion. @audiokinesis your detailed explanation for the inherent advantages of a higher efficiency/sensitivity speaker I find more compelling and logical compared with the counter position for the lower efficiency speaker expressed thus far in this thread.
What you have described/explained does seem to correlate to the actual listening experiences of what others here have reported.