Good cassette player?

I FINALLY found a box of tapes that I lost about 10 years ago. Tons of late night college radio I recorded in the early 90s.

I have no idea whats going on with cassette players. Can anyone recommend one which has a decent noise floor and good output for sampling? (XLR? Toslink?) Time to digitize these and post online :)

thanks in advance!





I just gave away a Nakamichi LX-5. I think most folks abandoned them decades ago. I would think AudioGon or eBay will get you a old high end machine for almost nothing. I would just use single ended interconnects… it is not high fi by todays standards. 

A Nak bx100 can be had for cheap money on ebay, just make sure it is working. I’d send mine off to you, but it is in a state of disrepair...belts etc...all apart. Also have an Aiwa 770 and 660, both mint, I use them frequently. You haven’t heard cassettes until you’ve heard them on these machines....simply wonderful. When taping from an LP to a quality type II chrome cassette, you can almost not tell the difference between the two. Just taped a few songs from my Morgana King record, A taste of Honey. Unreal sound quality. Beats the pre-recorded cassette of the same album hands down, not even close. 

Actually, with the infancy resurgence (there are musicians releasing content on cassette, if you can believe it), a fully functional restored deck can fetch a fair amount of money. And actually the higher end ones sound pretty decent, depending how the recording was made. 
If just doing payback you’ll want to know what tape formulation and what if any noise reduction was applied to have the capability to set bias, EQ, and NR to appropriate/matching settings. 
If you are going to record, you will want a 3-head deck to monitor what is being recorded real time.