Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



’Some guy on the internet’ who wrote this:

We dont need "a flag to be proud of " to unite all those who, like larsman because they never had any musical education and evolution, think that their apparent "freedom" to choose the only musical world that they know is not unbeknownst to them, an direct expression of their own mental chains....

knows nothing about me but sure knows how to write long-winded, boring posts.

You wrote this yourself:

I’m almost 71, I don’t like jazz and am not much into classical,

Then you listen to what, african traditional music, for example pygmies polyphony? they are marvellous..

You listen to Yoruba drum, one of the most astonishing drumming masters on earth?

Do you listen the poetical Erhu?

Do you listen the Rudra Veena ?

Do you listen sufi music?

Do you know anything about North-african music?

I think you listen mainly "commercial" music which sometimes can be very good, and popular, but at least half is pure junk...You say it yourself....

Then why answering a thread about music quality listening declining for market conditioning reason , you spoke like if your right of tasting junk food like others taste high culinary dishes must be written in the American Constitution like arms right are?

You are "free" indeed...

The constitution dont protect people against corporation indoctrination of mases methods sorry if you dont know that...

But dont claim you know what music is.... You dont...

Simple.... Sorry...


Go on with your empty content post and i will go on with my "boring" one ...

Do your own research.  Try to find every place in your area where music is actually being played and go listen.  Bars, parks, churches, nightclubs, community centers, concert halls, college campuses, don't stop there!  One of the towns near us has free concerts inside City Hall in the winter & on the lawn outside in the summer.  There are summer concerts on an island, a ferry ride away.

My experience is that it is still all there.  Not just music that charms, but music that entrances, music that makes you laugh, music that makes you cry, music that overwhelms, music that changes your life...

Do your own research. Try to find every place in your area where music is actually being played and go listen. Bars, parks, churches, nightclubs, community centers, concert halls, college campuses, don’t stop there! One of the towns near us has free concerts inside City Hall in the winter & on the lawn outside in the summer. There are summer concerts on an island, a ferry ride away.

My experience is that it is still all there. Not just music that charms, but music that entrances, music that makes you laugh, music that makes you cry, music that overwhelms, music that changes your life...

For sure you are right, but this is not the point at debate at all...

For sure there are plenty of living musical events all around North America...

Each months...Many in each cities...

The great musicians must played somewhere...No ?

No one contested that...

The Author of the article dont contest that neither me...

He spoke about the industrialization of music in official channels and media...

Corporations never killed PHYSICALLY the great crowds of musicians 😁😊 which exist nowadays in greater number than ever... They enslaved some and marginalized the others...They control distributions and the way the products will be market... Why do you think that there is a huge boom all around the earth with an indefinite numbers of homemade small self recording labels ?

This is the point...

Too much people listen to horrible commercial music, and many dont even know jazz nor classical, neither any of the numerous musical cultures on earth...They are even proud of it and wrote it in their post... Stupendous ignorance pride... And they will call me a snob jerk for sure... 😁😊

This is the point...

But there is also, it is the good news access , thanks to internet, to all great artists on earth....And there is more great musicians than ever... We are 8 billions people...

Those who remain deaf and never listen to jazz, nor classical, nor to any of the musical cultural traditions are in great numbers too and lack an education...

We lack education in music it is evident....

Then dont put in my mouth what i never said, i never claim that all great musicians are dead, or rare, or dying... They are more numerous than ever... But how did they get a chance to be listen to and make a living?

Popular music is half of it pure junk, half of it roughly....But this junk take most of the official visible space in the news...

How do we cure the industry?

By education, and by pointing to the stupid economical working of corporate deaf powers....like the author ofthis article did....

Musicians must decide about music not businessman....

Art is not a business nor a democracy....

Then do your own research too...

I myself discover a genius in music almost each week...

I know excatly like you that great music has never been so easy to access...

In recorded format or in living event...

But never before,  the radio, and Tv  and the crowds of consumers plug on their telephone   ever listen to the most   horrible musical trash ever created... This is a fact too...






«The problem isn’t a lack of good new music. It’s an institutional failure to discover and nurture it.»