"Stanley Kubrick will not be possible today, he will not be free to do his own art...He will be a slave to a movie business...He will kill himself because he was so talented... Who kill Orson Welles genius? Corporate powers...Nowadays they are more powerful because all united and controlled by very few men ...
Where is the human, poetical, philosophical content of most movies nowadays ?"
Let's face it, even such noted auteurs such as Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, and Woody Allen took some time to buy their freedom from the 'corporate powers'.
According to a Robert Mitchum biography (Baby, I Don't Care) it doesn't appear as if things were that much different back then. Back in 1950 Howard Hughes recalled arty director Josef Von Sternberg out of retirement to shoot RKOs 1950 movie, Macao.
Things didn't go so well for the autocratic von Sternberg who soon found himself reminded of his place in the pecking order by Mitchum himself when he threatened to fire the rising star for disrespectful behaviour.
"If anyone gets fired around here, it'll be you "
What disturbs me is that the 'corporate powers' now seem to have an all powerful grip on the entire production chain from creation to the delivery outlets.
And everything in between.
Independent movies still exist but who gets to see them?
For example, how many folks have heard about celebrated UK comedian Rik Mayall's final film, 2014s One by One?
Given what's happened since, this film now seems to be highly prophetic.
So why then isn't it shown more?
If they can so easily airbrush out the work of someone as well known as Mayall, it looks as if something rather unpleasant has happened to both our freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
It's definitely not a good climate for artistic production as it now looks as if we're following the same old cold war policies of the USSR or China's CCP when it comes to what can and what can't be allowed in art.
Only now, it's being exercised by the power of corporate money rather than communist show trials.
Give them time, give them time...
Let them make a demonstration of Julian Assange first.