Decco from Preachtree audio

Anyone out there have any experience with the Decco? Its a 50 wpc tube hybrid integrated amp with a built in DAC (usb, coax, and optical) It can be used as a dac/pre as well. Very versatile. It looks like its geared toward the ipod generation. Not necessarily a bad thing. . . I'm wondering if it belongs in a high end two channel system. Or could it be a big bang for the buck at $799?
I've searched everywhere and asked my local dealer (Definitive Audio), and haven't been able to ascertain if the Peachtree Decco will decode a true 24/96 signal. I have some lossless 24/96 digital content that I'd like to hear :-)
Hey Ddalal-

I'm not sure if it will take accept a 24/96 signal. I bet it does... but it would still need to downconvert it to a 16/44 because its a non-oversampling DAC... 16/44 is the highest output quality your going to get.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, because a quality OS DAC that could handle a signal like 24/96 would be much more expensive to build than a quality-equivalent 16/44 non-OS DAC. So... if you primarily listen to CDs (16/44 quality) you will get a much better sound for your buck with a non-OS DAC like the one in the Decco than a more cheaply-made but equally expensive OS DAC.

For me... I have no need for a higher quality than 16/44 as most of the music I listen to is "only" available on this... and, in truth, I a long... long ways away from being able to afford the equipment that one would need to be able to distinguish between a 16/44 signal and something higher like a 24/96... but thats just me.
I have been an audiophile all of my life and was a dealer for such noteable brands as Audio Note, Goldmund and more. When I set out to find an audiophile set-up for my personal office, I started as most people, researching audio cards for my high-end computer (QX6850 Quad Core Extreme) etc.
After trying numerous cards and countless hours of research, I ended up with the ASUS Zonar D2X audio card with what most consumers would have considered very good sound through my AudioEngine speakers or Monsoon Planar's. Results for a guy who was used to S.E.T. amps was not satisfactory, especially in the midrange.

I talked with some of my industry friends who told me about the Era speakers and the Decco amp, processor and tube pre-amp all in one box. There descriptions sounded like they had been smoking something as they pretty much made it sound like it was on par with $4000 pre-amp, amp combinations with a killer DAC as a bonus. When I found out that the DAC had no filter or up-sampling I was sold, as this is the hallmark of AudioNote Dac's which I have always thought were the best sounding in the industry, bar none.

The combination arrived beautifully pakaged, I mean beautifully (AudioNote take notice). They were double boxed with protection everywhere. I was impressed already.

Let me just cut to the chase. This combination rivals equipment I have sold costing 5 times as much. Midrange, transparency, soundstage and imaging (oh that imaging) was to die for. I ordered a Siemens 6922 from Tube World to see what kind of a difference it makes and will let you know later. But at this point I have to tell you that I cannot imagine anything sounding better for the money. By the way, I opted for the D4 speakers as I need a small footprint on my desk but was blown away by the incredible soundstage and open transparent mid's and highs. I am using an Earthquake Sub crossing them over at about 70hz.

I am a happy audiophile sittting in my office with very expensive equipment out in my living room being neglected:)
Let me state for the record that I am not a dealer for any product mentioned in this post as these were purchase soley for my personal enjoyment and have no potential gain in this review. Contact your local Decco or Era dealer for purchase of this product.