Decco from Preachtree audio

Anyone out there have any experience with the Decco? Its a 50 wpc tube hybrid integrated amp with a built in DAC (usb, coax, and optical) It can be used as a dac/pre as well. Very versatile. It looks like its geared toward the ipod generation. Not necessarily a bad thing. . . I'm wondering if it belongs in a high end two channel system. Or could it be a big bang for the buck at $799?
Biggest difference I noticed was smoother highs and much more believable midrange. Fuller and less compression. Difference was truly significant, but not cheap. About $200. Would I do it again? Yes!!!

Call David Solomon if you have any problems with the unit. He has been great!
Since I have barely dabbled in tubes..with my Onyx Melody 3 and a Jolida, which have been turning into toasters, does one need to consider bias for the single tube that is the upgrade? I imagine that there is no way to adjust bias on this unit.
I'm on my 2nd defective unit, I'm afraid.

The first didn't have a receiver chip that worked so no connection through USB was possible.

The second had a defective remote--which the company replaced, just got it today--but has a left channel that has failed. (Headphone amp still works, but speaker output has gone kaput.)

(I've hooked up 2 different sets of speakers, so it's definitely the Decco.)

I love the unit, the sound is fantastic... but... (waiting to hear from Decco and dealer what they'll do. I hate the idea of paying shipping back again!)

That is really too bad. I happened to be in an audition room this week with a Decco using a modest Panasonic BluRay player as the source and connected to Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby grand speakers, and again (once set up properly) I was knocked out by the Decco's capability. I am very interested in this unit and am wondering if your bad experiences with quality are unique or common?

Interestingly, the system I auditioned was set up with analog out of the BDP and the bass eq. button engaged on the back of the Decco. The result was a somewhat duller and muddier sound than I had recalled the first few times I had heard the unit. I had the salesman connect the digital out on the BDP to the Decco via a simple coaxial connection and the sound quality improvement was profound. Turning off the bass eq. cleaned the sound up considerably more, and the system sounded even better than I remembered. Jennifer Warnes' version of the "Ballad of a Runaway Horse" sparkled coming out of this system with space and nuance galore.

My conclusion is that the DAC in the Decco is very good and well integrated with the preamp and amplifier sections. I was frankly surprised that the $800 hybrid amp could drive the $2000 speakers to high sound levels without having the sound fall apart or become noticeably compressed in the large listening space. Add a computer or an iPod and some good speakers and for a small to medium listening space you are in business.

One final comment. The dealer who was selling the Decco clearly thinks they have a winner on their hands, displaying it in a prominent place in their shop and pairing it with some very well made and nice sounding speakers. Why they would tie its acoustic hands behind it back with two analogue cables from a cheap source is beyond me? The change from analogue-in to digital-in on the Decco was like going from low fi to hi fi - go figure...
Decco's manufacturer has offered to repair/replace the unit and paid for shipping to their address. According to the dealer who sold me the unit other than mine, defective units are non-existent.

Guess I'm just "lucky". Like I said I love the amp and can't wait for it's return.