looking for a more efficient speaker.....

some thing with a higher then my current rated 86 alon IV.  something more easier to drive.  i love the way the sound but i have to drive them at 1-2 oclock to get the best sound and then you start to hear the strain.   let me know, i dont have big pockets so keep that in mind, plus i like floor standing types.


sbank if you no longer use alon what do you have now....

curiosjim    rather low, i have enough equipment

ozzy, i talked to jeff at cj and steve at mccormack, said not yet

lanx dont like 2way speakers....

soix  glad i could help you....



The generality of stuff sounding better at or above 90db is certainly not true now. It might have been back in the 70’s with the relatively inexpensive equipment we were able to afford then. Certainly not true now as a generality.

speaker have compliance and the compliance in nonlinear there is resistance to motion is the surround and at low levels it restricts the cone.  A issue with older horn spreader that I know  has changed to these efficient speaker now is the quality of the crossovers.  Heck JBL Olympus speaker would blow the horn driver if you dropped the needle.  I don’t disk like horn and high efficiency speakers there are great threaders, concerts halls. Having said that I admit have not listened to modern designed ones. Just because I have own my share of them does mean you shouldn’t own them. Remember the older one crossover suck, Nelson Pass has a new crossover for his JBL

I agree with the suggestion to ask Carl at Nola what amps are good matches for the Alons. Then try to borrow one or something similar. Tell him the trouble and you're trying to narrow things down after the refoaming he arranged for you. He and his wife(Marilyn?) are both kind and helpful IMHE. Cheers,
