The isolator's resonant frequency is a good figure of merit for this type of analysis. All objects have a natural set of resonant frequencies; this mode structure is typically modeled in terms of mass/spring systems. The response of the mass/spring system to a periodic driving force is described by a simple mathematical expression, the Lorentzian function; this is the transmissibility curve that's seen in some manufacturers' technical literature. The Lorentzian has a peak at the resonant frequency, which becomes broader with increasing values of the damping factor (decreasing Q). At a damping factor of 1.0 the system becomes critically damped and no longer responds harmonically to the periodic driving force. With damping factors > 1 displacements of the system from mechanical equilibrium have an exponential response and the return to the equilibrium position becomes progressively slower as damping increases.
The broadening of the resonance peak that's introduced by high damping factors has the net effect of increasing transmissibility at frequencies above the resonance (relative to an undamped system). Therefore, instead of using a critically damped isolation system, it is more effective to have a weakly damped system with a resonant frequency well below that of the system you're trying to isolate.