MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.

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One thing is for certain, digital is much more consistent sounding than analog. 
 Every record seems to have a different sonic quality.

Well, I’ve been playing the Hana cartridge continuously for several days in a row and I’ve accumulated  about 50 hours of use on it.  Time for a new assessment. 
 It certainly is an accurate cartridge.  I’m hearing details I’ve never heard before. 
 But, unlike my former cartridge, it is unforgiving of mediocre sounding recordings.  Unfortunately, I have several of those. On audiophile quality records it really sounds wonderful.  Especially good are smaller groups, Jazz and pop. On orchestral recordings, unless they’re audiophile quality pressings, the results are less favorable.
The  reason I started on this adventure of purchasing a new phono preamp and moving coil cartridge was to bring my analog side closer to the quality of my digital side. I’ve more or less succeeded in that.  However, as stated, with my setup, digital is more consistent and reliable.  
 I know this is not true for everyone.  You’re experience may certainly vary from mine.  It’s also possible, given more break-in, things will change. 
 I’m not sorry I pursued this path.  I’m really enjoying a lot of what this cartridge can do.  I just wish it worked better with the majority of orchestral recordings.


Sounds like you need a 2nd tonearm and cart for orchestral recordings :-) 


Like all of audio you can get wildly different results with different cartridges, arms, TT, and phonostages. Choosing a cartridge that suites you aesthetic is key. I like natural / musical first with detail second. So, my Koetsu Rosewood perfectly suits my tastes. Lots of folks like flat out details (along with the cost in noise and many albums sounding bad).


You now have a great data point. Read the reviews on the cartridge… I think there are some that make comparisons to others and you will get a feel for what you like in the spectrum of cartridges. 

OP so let me understand. Your new cartridge can sound wonderful on good recordings but nothing special on just so so pressings? Sounds like that's what is supposed to do to be accurate to the source. Maybe you need a Koetsu cartridge that is more warm, romantic sounding. Lots of choices depending on what you are looking for. Personally I prefer a more accurate sound.