Rogers High Fidelity EHF 200 MK2

I have ordered the Rogers High Fidelity EHF 200 MK2 and will be getting it next week. It’d be great anyone who owns it, if you could provide feedback on this amp.. I have created the space for it in the rack.. feel like an expectant dad..


I really like my EHF 200 mk 2.  There’s a clarity to the sound that I’ve never had before.

tried it with my tube preamp (a very fine Modwright LS 36.5); surprised to find I prefer using the Rogers’ attenuator, it was slightly quieter and had a better frequency balance in the bass.

That's awesome @lloydc I intend to experiment myself as well. I'll pair it with the Luxman 595ASE which has superb tone control and just an overall nice machine and also try driving through the Luxman M10X power amp.. It's good to know that you saw benefit from the attenuator..

@wsrrsw how long do you wait for the warm up? also do you have certain burn in hours on the tube, where you started to see it shine.. 

About five minites or more. Often I just turn on and go. If amp brand new I’d except some burn in time. As you know tubes work best when warm. Some advocate 20-30 minutes. 

Thanks @wsrrsw.. We are going through a heat wave in the northwest. Thankfully the basement remains ten degrees cooler than upstairs.. I am curious to see how hot the Rogers is going to run. Both Luxman 595ASE and the 550AXII are class A and they run hot.. So I am used to it..