Why do so many people have problems with bass?

I mean such obsession with bass. Does not your systems play bass?  Is it the quality of the bass?

Maybe my system does a really good job and I don't perceive any problems, or maybe I don't know I have a problem.

What is so challenging for systems to produce quality bass?

Is it that they don't hear enough thud?? What hertz range we talking about? It's a pretty wide range.


The reason most of the commenters here have a problem with Bass is in the word itself.  They are mostly 3/4 of the word.

And, you would seem (based upon your posts) to be the universal "wipe" for that 3/4's of the word you mention.



IME there are very few if any speakers that can’t be improved significantly by adding a couple good subwoofers, or even better, four subs. I mean, Wilson uses subs with their colossal Alexandra speakers, so what does that tell you? If you think you have good bass without subs you’re just kidding yourself.

The word bass has two main meanings with separate pronunciations — bass with a high vowel sound (like base) ironically refers to very low sounds — bass instruments and singers are in the lowest part of the musical range, like the low rumble of a bass guitar. If you say bass with a low vowel sound, it's a type of fish.
