PC-Audio vs. High-end CD Player-GAME OVER

Hi All,
I just auditioned the Wavelength Audio Cosecant DAC on a very nice system at the local dealer. It was run through a Hovland 200 preamp , a Plinius amp and Avalon Eidolon Diamond speakers. This is all in a very well treated, good-sounding room.
It was, in a word spectacular. Beautiful tone, excellent bass, imaging soundstaging, etc. What was really amazing was a sense of space, or ambience that was imparted. We then compared the same CD's (Diana Krall, Jennifer warnes, some jazz), on a Levinson CDP. I'm not saying that the levinson is the last word in players, but it was what he had on the shelf.While it sounded good, it was much more bright, and "constricted".
Control was through an Imac using I-tunes, and the CD's had been nurned using Apple Lossless.
I ordered my Crimson on the spot.

Vinyl sounds great, but it is over. The new music is not being recorded on vinyl.
Dave, Honestly, you sound like a marketing rep. Are you (have you been, or are you hoping or planning) in "any" way involved with the Wavelength company, Axiss Distribution or any affiliate of theirs, or are you close friends or a business affiliate with any of the people involved?, by any chance.
Psacanli-"Wavelength company" is one man, Gordon Rankin. He doesn't have marketing reps, or salesman, and quite honestly doesn't seem interested at all in being anything remotely close to "mainstream".

I too defend and promote Wavelength, consider me a Marketing Rep. But mostly I am a promoter because it is incredible stuff, and Gordon is a genius and a friend to all those who buy from him.
You can count me in with the group that is very loyal to Wavelength Audio and Gordon Rankin.

The reason is quite simple: his components are fun to listen to. I really look forward to my next listening session with my iMac and Gordon’s Crimson Silver USB DAC.

Gordon is a genius in SET design. He has worked in the computer industry and is able to write his own software for his products.

After all of the arguments and reasons why this computer approach is just a fad, the fact is, Gordon's stuff just sounds like real music. And that, my friends, is what this hobby is all about for me.
Hi Psacanli,
"Dave, Honestly, you sound like a marketing rep"

That was kind of an annoying post. Sounds like you are questioning my integrity. I happen to be an orthopedic surgeon who likes audio. I do really like the Wavelength Audio approach, and for now, am very happy. As always, that can change :).
