Paypal...buyer protection fees didnt help me

   I had a previous post about buying with PayPal so i'm piggybacking off that one.I found an integrated amp on U.S.A.M. for a decent price,the seller wanted me to pay PayPal / friends and family but because it was over 6k I went ahead and pay the fees (approx $200.00 and change) thinking it was worth the extra money  for buyer protection.The shipping was $300 from the east coast to the mid west and took 6 days i believe.The crate was over 100 pounds,it came on Monday and it took me until Sunday to get a buddy to help me get it up a flight of stairs,out of the crate and on a dedicated stand..i'm in my 60s and retired.The amp had distortion on one channel,we both heard it,I swapped cables on speakers and same result coming now on the opposite side...but to make sure before I started screaming the sky is falling I borrowed other gear and went through the testing...this all took another week....After i did my due diligence I contacted the seller and told him i wanted my money back which fell on deaf ears so i filed a case with PayPal...I was told by PP that i needed get verification of my complaint in writing from a legit source and submit this info within 10 days.I called 2 audio stores in the mid-west and was told that they did'nt have nor could they verify on gear they don't sell.  I needed to send it to manufacture who's on the west coast,so i called the manufacture..approx 7 days to get it to them at a cost of a few hundred in shipping ,the down time could be anywhere from a few days to weeks depending on back log..and then cost and time to get it back not repaired as i'm just looking for them to tell me its messed up in writing for these clowns at PP..I called PP and told them the 7 to 10 days i was given to get this all done was insane,forgetting the cost involved..I mean it took me a week to get it upstairs and unpacked with help......So I was denied my claim and will have to deal with getting this going again.I informed PayPal that i will never pay their fees again because the buyer protection i thought i had did'nt really exist,the burden of proof was on my shoulders to show them that what i got which was described as mint was'nt...Maybe its their new policy because the company's stocks are in the crap hole and the share holders need paid,who knows but they wont get my money again.I think ill buy new from a USA dealer........


you have my empathy, it’s a bummer. 100 lb amp is a beast, it’s unfortunate someone wasn’t lined up to help sooner. going forward, fund your paypal account with your best credit card (not a bank), then you have another layer. basic function and every feature, new or used needs to be messed with so you don’t find out later something you could have known.

I hurt my back, been using a walker for a week, still not picking anything up. I came home from the chiropractor, and fedex had left a pair of AR2ax's against my garage door. door flips out, so couldn't even open the door. I realized, gotta move em, get em inside, open em up, hook em up and make sure all drivers are good. Luckily Jim, a new friend I met here on Audiogon was here, so he got them in and out of the boxes.

Agree with SNS.  Move quickly.  a claim a week or more later is always suspeicious.  I sold an amp.  2 weeks later they guy messages me that it won't power up.  He had messaged me when he got it and said he would put it in service the next day so I was immediately suspicious.   Not a paypal deal but they would be suspicious too.

Turned out to be operator error and I was able to help him figure it out.  I'm only posting this because the 2 week delay make me immediately suspicious.  Turns out he's 80 and needed help to move it.  

So if you need help, have it lined up when the amp gets there.

Paypal would have stood by you if it was a black and white issue such as "doesn't work".  Your claim is a probably interpreted by paypal as an opinion that it works but doesn't sound right.  Frame your claim in the correct words.





So sorry to hear!  After hearing your story and a few others, I’m thinking I’m through buying from individuals.


  If waiting 14 days to file with PP makes me suspect then so be it but i find it rather ridiculous to suggest that. I could have filed that Sunday when we first hooked it up.I wanted to give the seller and the amp its due diligence before screaming which is what I did.Keep in mind what PP requested was'nt simply getting some self employed guy  working in his garage to look at it,they requested a detailed printed form from an authorized repair facility..and im in no where mid west,I dont even have a movie theater in my town.The 2 facilities within several driving hours of me both said no.It wasnt as simple as putting a stamp on the crate and dropping it in the mail box..It had to go 2200 miles one way,inspected and returned all within a week.As a long time power seller on Ebay I know they give buyers minimum 30 days to return anything for any reason.It was'nt buyers remorse with me,the amp has an issue and i paid for that protection if some thing was wrong reguardless if it was dropped,kicked,punted in shipping,the reason is really irrelevant to me.I paid for a "described as mint unit" with hard earned funds.I paid for that buyer protection and PP didnt not cover me ..Ill get the unit going again and hopefully enjoy what I hear but i will say this....My used gear buying days are about over with.thanks

Well, we're all on your side, all sounds reasonable to us. But paypal and/or person you purchased from not us. Your entire story could just be a story as far as they know. I'd be just like Carlsbad if someone waited 14 days to tell me something I sold suddenly wasn't working correctly. I'd assume  component was operating correctly upon receipt, something went wrong in those intervening days, operator error or ? Now, they may relate a story such as yours, hard to say if I'd believe or not, telephone conversation would help in this determination.


The thing is we don't know if seller knew beforehand or damage occurred in transit? Another good reason to develop personal dialogue with person doing transaction with, many won't conduct transaction without prior telephone conversation.