Astute observation!
I enjoy open discussion forums and the various opinions and points of view. Perspectives I do not agree with can nonetheless be stimulating and thought provoking. Needless to say I suppose is that we all have our limits. In my case I hold little regard for those who display a glaring disregard (Mocking) for the gift of hearing and concentrated listening. We are endowed with this very special and vital sense for a reason.
When measurements are revered and reliance on hearing is dismissed or sneered upon, something is vastly out of kilter.Audio components are sought for the single purpose of hearing them perform as intended, listening to recorded music. Why is this activity for some, downplayed and replaced with infatuation with numbers and instrument derived test results? How is this possibly of more value than using one’s own ears? Not scientific enough ?
Both have value and measurements have meaningful application. In my opinion the listening process to judge audio merit has far greater significance.