musician aquarius r2r dac any good?

I am about to pull the trigger on Musician Aquarius r2r dac. I would like to know if it is any good comparing to other DAC around 3k-5k USD? Please share your opinion, it will be highly appreciated!!


I forget to mention, my system consisted of Chord Qutest (will be replaced) -> MC220 ( Mcintosh Preamp) -> MC352 (power amp) - > b&w 805 d3s (speakers).

My Quest sounds fine, but I am looking for a more transparent sound with deeper and wider sound stage. The Qutest does not have that deep of sound stage.

How far are your speakers pulled out from the wall?  And if you’re looking for more transparency you might think about replacing the Macs as they’re probably the bottleneck there.  Just IMHO. 


My experience of listening to B&W speakers were that they were a tad on the bright side. Is it possible to borrow an Aquarius to test it at your home? IMO, the Aquarius might work better with speakers and gears that are more laid back in sound. 

Based on the sound you are looking for you might want to consider Audiobyte HydraVox. It is transparent, very detailed, and on the drier side, so I think it should be a very good match to your 805. 


I do not want to replace the Mcintosh gears because they match so well with my b&w speakers. I have tried other branches of amplifier and like none of them. My Chord is actually quite bright, but lack detail. I want a more transparent DAC, but not as bright as the Chord! I know it is hard to describe, but brightness and transparency are two different things

I know it is hard to describe, but brightness and transparency are two different things

Absolutely  true!
Genuine transparency has nothing to do with the coloration of brightness.
