Why is Audiogon checking my browser?

For the past few days, I keep getting a prompt to show I am human. Lots of Capcha that even though I input the proper number of items, prompts me to another Capcha.

If this is the future, I am going to bail.



Stop being a bunch of pansies. Admin can just be doing this to weed out potential spammers and scammers. My OS is a very old one and I used to get the Captcha test like everyone else quite a while ago for that very reason. 

The world is not out to get you. 

All the best,

Something has been going on At Audiogone and it’s not good, BUT I will not blame them for using Captcha. Sites need protection against bots to protect the US as much as to protect themselves. I just wish we didn’t have to go through the birthing process of getting this in place. I kept getting blocked not because I failed, but because The website NEVER displayed the captcha puzzle to solve so everything ended there. It has since been fixed and I am login in fine W/O any hassles.

Also From a bunch of people who have such HIGH standards in sound quality, the complainers here seem not to care about any kind of quality security on this site. Funny how that works.

There's an influx of scammers at the moment so I'm sure Tammy has her hands full. I bought at item from a member with multiple sales history, but apparently he was hacked and someone was using his account to sell high ticket items. The seller then 30 minutes later posted another ad under a different user with different pictures. I'd bet they're trying to keep the scammers at bay. 

I am using Chrome browser, and the same PC to log in for years. I know earlier, I would get locked out if I was using a different computer, but this Capcha stuff is really tedious.

Today, it seemed to check the browser and allowed me to log in without the Capcha stuff. Hopefully, it holds.


I know scamming has gone to new depths, but putting the onus on members makes using the site tedious.


No worries Capcha will be antiquated in the not-to-distant future as AI becomes even more prevalent.  

I didn't know bots were scammers...must be hard to pack up gear when it has no arms or legs.

BTW, I have never had the Capcha screen come up on A'gon (now I probably just screwed myself).

