Shunyata Research Venom X EF Power Cable - Have you heard them?

I’ve ordered a Shunyata Research Venom X EF power cable to use on my Supernait 3 Integrated Amplifier. Does anyone have any experience with the new Blue flexible cable? What are you using yours on and what can I expect?

Your feedback is appreciated ‐



@nutty I don’t think you have to burn in shunyata cables any more. At least that’s what they told me on my power cables. 

Baylinor, I really don't think it is a matter of the type of dwelling, but more Who built and wired it. Also what city do you live in? I am in Denver and we enjoy pretty clean Power for the most part. Though I have a rather well-made power conditioner, I have never found any spurious signals on my lines. All I have to do is record something and then listen through the headphones at full volume, to the dead spots, especially at the start and end of the recording. If it sounds like it came from Youtube it's got noise. Also, I am a HAM operator and I get no interference from my equipment or anyone else. One thing to make sure of is knowing you have a proper ground and that you don't have ground loops. If you are really troubled try running a quality ground strap out the nearest window or wall to a well-planted ground rod OUTSIDE! 

I've been real curious how the new Venom X cables work and compare to their bigger brothers. I bought a Denali and used a cheap cord and it sounds fantastic. Then I tried a Delta XC and it was better and more forward. Then I tried a Alpha and I think I found my forever cable. Real curious about the Venom X power and speaker cables though. 

When the Venom cables came out and were positively reviewed, and at a very reasonable price, I not only bought 3 or 4 cables, but the power strip and conditioner as well.  All seem to be very nice quality, but did not improve the sound like I imagined it might.  To me, this proves that you get what you pay for.

Hello balylinor - I don't use any power conditioning in my system. I haven't felt the need to at this time. 

Yes dinov - I have read about Shunyata's KPIP process and so far I havn't heard any significant changes in presentation. It's clean, clear and maintains a very good consistent sound. It does appear the X EF's low frequency extension isn't what I expected at this stage.