I have no problem with the notion that many of us simply like the alteration of the sound that analogue recording imparts. Those alterations would also be there if the original source is digital or digital is somewhere in the chain. I read an article where three recording engineers were talking about high resolution digital vs. very high end analogue—like 1” tape at 30 ips—and they all agreed that the digital recording sound much more like the microphone feed when you do a direct comparison. But, they also agreed that the analogue tape actually sounded nicer.
To some extent, what we prefer may be a matter of conditioning—we like what is familiar. Around 15 years ago, a researcher took high quality recordings and then converted them to CD quality recordings and old MP3 quality recording (before MP3 was even close to decent). When his college test subjects listened to analogue vs. CD vs. MP3, they overwhelmingly preferred MP; this was the sound that was was familiar to them.