Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?

I am 100% invested in vinyl, but want to improve my digital equipment chain.

Once I’ve upgraded my streaming equipment, why purchase a quality CD/SACD transport?

Is there a large enough subset of music that sounds better via optical media?


@soix have you considered ripping those to a hard drive or NAS that you can locally stream? I find this better sounding than most transports. Just use a laptop and drive, good software like XLD rip them once and then play those CDs via network using your streaming software...

I have 1000s of soundboard concert recordings that aren't on the streaming services, so this is an important part of my streaming setup and many here do similar for various reasons. Cheers,


The important thing is the music.I listen to Classical exclusively and I can actually find a CD on my shelves in most instances than I can find it from a commercial streaming service or even after I've ripped it to a HD.  Streaming from Qobuz can also sound quite good but I give nod to my CDs, ripped to a HD or direct replay.  And I have a ton of SACDs and Blu Rays and am able to extract the DSD layer from the former with my Oppo/Bryston DAC combination. 

No but I am buying compact discs on Amazon for $4.00

have a awesome transport and DAC and still enjoy my LP collection.

My streaming usually sounds better than CDs, or the same if in the same resolution. But Qobuz has half a million high resolution albums. I would take the money you were going to invest in a CD player and upgrade your streamer… or DAC… or preamp. Whatever your weakest link is. I am giving away all my CDs.

With a good streamer and DAC streaming can match or exceed the quality of vinyl.

Also. Once streaming is at a real audiophile level, and with millions of albums at your disposal… at least for me, the focus changed from laser focus on the very best recordings of a very few artists to a vastly expanding array of recordings and genera of music… something not sounding good… move on. There are thousands of incredibly well recorded, high resolution albums available. I also found all sorts of albums I did not know about from artists I love… no extra charge.


The more thoughtfully applied funds dedicated to as few components in your system the better it will sound… the more captivating, musical and rewarding. I recommend concentrate on the essential components. CDs are simply computer files on a optical disk… as opposed to located on a disk drive, server, or streamed. Don’t waste money on a optical disk reader and DAC in a box.