Is blasphemous Music ok?




"Is blasphemous Music ok?"


"Music taking on religion is much more easily tolerated than music taking on other topics, in my experience."

If its OK or not would depend on who’s deciding if it’s OK or not...


Makes getting grounded for sneaking out to a death metal gig seem kinda lame. :(

Given the crazy stuff people excuse in the name of their religions, I could kind of get behind a god that only allowed profanity, no killing in the name of or anything, just swearing.

People with Tourette’s would be automatically canonized. Holy texts would be inventive putdowns, with some dirty jokes.

You know what? I think this religion has legs! If the scientologists can get classified as a religion, so should this!

Happy Listening!


If its OK or not would depend on who’s deciding if it’s OK or not...

Best statement of the thread.


I can't find a version with my favourite line - he don't slip and he don't slide, cause his ass is magnetised.