If its OK or not would depend on who’s deciding if it’s OK or not...
Best statement of the thread.
@mapman ...too late, I fear...Liturgy claims man is born corrupt, although gender ID seems to punch harder at the ’outies’ v. the ’inies’.... I remember the nunz seemed to punish the guys harder and more often than the girls....using a ruler to swat one’s hands. As one went up the grades, we learned to cup our hands slightly, which gave the satisfying sound but lessened the impact. ;) The Sisters caught on to the ploy, requiring one to arch the hand to promote impact with inner knuckles and the wrist. :( One sister got obviously really pissed off at me, hauled me downstairs to a storage room. Made me drop my pants and swatted my butt with a telephone cord, That got her a phone call from my parents, but I caught it from them for causing whatever I did then. A year later, I got transferred to a local junior high school.... I’d burned up enough chalk and chalkboard yardage, so they were probably happy to see me leave.... Bart Simpson and I have a lot in common in that regard. I think my blasphemous turn started with a Q&A session for a class with one of the priests, my query being "What does it feel like to be dead?" Bluntly..."No feeling, no consciousness, no awareness." I got a stare from him, and silence amongst my classmates.... It took awhile later for it to sink in that ’life after death’ was somewhat tenuous as a concept; if I’d been more of a smartass I’d have pointed that out and got myself expelled from the 4th grade....! "...that little snot has no respect for Catholic teachings...." they’d say to the parents, and advise them to send me to the area school for the ’hard cases’. Doin’ time in the Christian mine...missed an opportunity to become a atheist folk singer...*sigh* Peter, Paul, Mary, and Jerry...."I coulda been a contender..." *LOL* Instead, here, pestering y’all... 😏 |