Jude-not Julian Lennon

I wasn’t aware of the origins to Sir Paul’s "Hey Jude."

Always like Jude. The other kid never caught my attention, other than his strikingly similar looks to his father.

Good for Jude!



You've spoken to them to tell us the facts? Ok.I always thought Brown Sugar was about a woman. Specifically about one of the Stone's back up singers that he had a relationship with for a while.

I was counting on some additional "facts" on the song's  inspiration.

One thing for certain, the Beatles are one of the few bands with endearing  fans that have "facts."

@jtcf + 1.  If those are 'facts', he should have plenty of proof. I eagerly await it.  

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, obviously about LSD? Except it was never about LSD. It was about a picture of Lucy, in the sky, with Diamonds.