Purifi v Gan amps?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare Purifi based amps eg MarchP422, Purifi etc with Gan amps such as LSA Voyager or Peachtree Gan 400 or similar?


Gan transistors we’re invented many years ago , they are much more efficient

and will be in.many more products. In the future ,they are very good I actually own a GAN charger for my phones and tablets ,over 3x faster ,

My point is ,I have seen several amplifiers advertising gan transistors which is good 

but the rest of the guts were average at best , that was my point .very good value for a lower mid fi  amp.by Audiophile standards and todays pricing.

All audio components have a sound they either add something or remove something. Every capacitor, every resistors, every transformer has an impact on sound. So if you think that means no sound, then that is of your opinion.

After all, we all know that all amps based in bipolars sound a certain way, and all amps based on mosfets sound another certain way.

My Audiophonics hpa-s400et Purifi amplifier isn't boring, has excellent 3D imaging with no paper cutouts. Sounds neutral, detailed, and smooth/natural sounding.

I will add that I use BACCH-4MAC-Pro. So I might be cheating a tad!