Need recommendations for a streamer

I would like to upgrade from a Bluesound Node to a higher quality streamer.


The Node sounds fine with my current system, but I am making a second system for my wife, and the Node is going to that new system. I thought I would take the opportunity to upgrade my streamer at this time.


My criteria are that it be a streamer only (no DAC/storage/CD player, etc), be able to hook into wi-fi/cloud without a physical wire/connection, have balanced outputs to go to my DAC, and cost less than 2,500 USD. Can anybody think of a streamer that fits this bill?


The rest of my system:

DAC: Terminator II

Preamp: Schiit Freya+

Amps: PS Audio M1200 x 2

Speakers: Thiel CS 2.3




@richtruss glad to see you post here. I am a happy owner of a Network Acoustics Rubicon switch, a Network Acoustics Muon cable and Muon filter. I had a very nice setup with great sound and ordered the Network Acoustics trio fully expecting to send it all back within the trial period, but I was committed to being open minded and give it a try.


Let me just say that many of us don’t realize what we are hearing and what it sounds like when we are NOT hearing noise. I’m an unapologetic fan of the Network Acoustics product line, I kept all three and appreciate that a manufacturer made the thankless and risky move to hop into the mosh pit that Audiogon forums can sometimes be.

@ghasley @richtruss 

Thank you both for your posts. After hearing the improvements from a high quality Ethernet switch and filters, I no longer consider these devices as accessories. Ethernet switch with LPS (if needed), noise filter and LAN cables are must have components for any high resolution digital streaming system. 

The Rose audio rs250 would be good but it has a Dac... so to bad. The Rose radio selections are great too.

The node is pretty hard to beat functionality wise. When you take it a step further with a linear power supply it’s even harder performance wise. I’m all for getting the best of the best that I can afford for my system, but with some simple and inexpensive upgrades, it’s a really nice streaming option. However, if the money is burning a hole in your pocket to get a new high end streamer, then have at it. I’ve found a great place to be with my node at this point. Good luck.