Questionable Tweak

Someone on Audiogon mentioned using an air purifier to improve the sound of their system. I dragged my wife's purifier into my listening area, cranked it up, and.......,no change at all. They said it removes dust particles,to improve the sound. Has anyone ever heard of this?Is there any science to back this up?


I've found the opposite to be true.

The more cat fur/dander floating around here - the better the system sounds.

When I vacuum with our Purple Dyson (designed for furry pet households) the SQ drops for a day or two.

Don't believe everything you read.



D-K 😁

Whatever the auditory case may be, it doesn't hurt to clean the air every now & then!


I moved my floorstander HEPA filter into my living/listening room (not for improved audio reasons) and heard popping noises coming from the speakers. I was playing CDs and as long as the device was in the listening area, I heard the popping sound. There was no weird sound when  the filter was behind the speakers.

I tried an ionization based portable air filter in the 80's and found that it quickly caused a thin buildup of difficult to remove residue on everything in the room (including the walls/ceiling/windows). 

After going through a few gallons of TSP I gave it away.


We have open windows whenever the temp's drop to 70, or below.

Being located 11 miles from the ocean (West Hollywood) there is also a nice subdued marine layer most evenings.

This said, what's emptied out of the vacuum canister is a bit frightening.

