I owned two VPI's over a span of six years. I disagree that the periphery ring, which I have, makes a positive difference unless the record is warped near the edge.
I do agree the VPI feet are trash. They look fancy. I have posted about this here before.
You still have a very fine table, particularly with the gimbaled Fatboy. Good job!
Someone above said the replicant stylus is a "little more forgiving". I humbly disagree. It is very difficult to set up a replicant for optimum playback. But as I said above, the heavens will not part when it is optimum vs. slightly off. But getting azimuth and VTA/SRA are important with the replicant stylus.
Forgive me for having some time on my hands but I looked at your past threads trying to figure out your system. Based on your prior questions I gather you are both very intelligent and on something of a modest budget. Again, good for you for picking out a great deck. I believe in source first, not loudspeakers first when it comes to budget. I said it above and I will say it again-you really ought to find an experienced set-up person to optimize your settings at some point (not necessary immediately!).
Just get VTF right, leveling correct, and alignment halfway close and you will be fine for now. Most VTF gauges are off. Getting correct VTF is critical. The Riverstone gauge is not that expensive and is very accurate.
FWIW (no financial connection), my recco to see what your table and cartridge can really do is to strongly consider Brian Walsh of ttsetup.com.