Where do you want your system to go when you go?

People think of real estate, stocks, property...etc.  But I'm wondering where would my audio systems go when I go?  Most in my family are happy with television and an audio system that is more like a TV or toaster.  Not to be morbid, but my friends that would have cared are no longer living.  There are lawyers, charitable causes and other "things" for other possessions, but I cannot see my systems going to Goodwill....etc.  For us baby boomers it is a real thought.  My best friend, who died of cancer, had a decent system with sperates and some Martin Logan speakers... his wife didn't care and ended up giving it all away and basically just watches TV.  

What do you want to happen to your system?...hopefully many of you have people in your life that your system would mean something to them.



















Unfortunately my kids would not be good custodians of my gear, I don't think either one of them could even figure out how to fire it up and get sound.

My future son in law has the best chance of getting it when I take a dirt nap.....  He is the only one drooling over my Toolshed 300b...... A few months ago I gave him my Grado RS2e so he could have a taste of good sound and he loves them so ......

Truth to the question is and as a financial advisor it is the same response I give to clients. When we talk about collecting social security benefits the question is to start right away or delay. Some times it make sense to delay but they all come back and say “I have paid in my whole life and I want to get all my money back before I die”. My answer to them and my answer to this question is “ you are dead so that will make you the first person to not know”!

We have two nephews that are into vinyl. One is our executor so I will let him decide what to do with everything. 

I have a similar concern. Though My setup isn't as costly as many of the folks here, it is still a pricy bit of kit, for those of the middle-class group of people. I tried to show my little brother how it was set up and even labeled the cords as to how things should be set up, he is totally clueless. I mean I got him a pair of Warfdales for Christmas last year and he still thinks on his 1980s-era $100 stereo, the Bose 901s he bought years ago sound better than the Warfdales I got him. I totally believe it will end up at Goodwill or in the dumpster. As far as my Music collection goes, It will probably be a total loss. The common masses don';t want to hear quality music or sounds.

I am surprised no one has said they want to be buried with their headphones on.