Best SET power amp below $5,000

Curious to get the benefit of the knowledge in this forum.

I currently have a low power SET amp, paired with 94db loudspeakers. Sounds great, but tbh, I bought it 20 years ago, and even then, my process was not particularly thoughtful.

Not trying to start an argument about push-pull vs SET. Though I am not an electrician or sound engineer, my instinct is that a simpler circuit is better. At this point, I am just interested in what folks here think are the best options for SET amps—in the $5,000 price range. I am also open to the feedback that the price range is too limiting.

I am open to new or used and given the many years that vacuum tubes have been used for this purpose, curious if there is any technology advantage in newer products, holding their condition constant (ie comparing a 1950s era SET amp to a 2022 design, both in mint condition).



If you’re in no hurry (up to a 2 year wait) Decware is releasing a new 300B amp that according to the owner/builder is supposed to be pretty darn special. I haven’t seen a price yet but should be in that $5000 range.

(Note) if you want to dump your PX-25 at a good price hit me up 😁

Lots of good ideas posted on this thread.

However, I think if you follow the link to Whammerdyne website and read what they have to say about their SET amps you'll find that their are designers who are not simply recycling older designs.

And, having read much of the thread on the Decware forum about their upcoming 300B amp it sounds like it, also will be pretty killer.

I also think there's a lot to be said for something like an amp from Aric Audio. I love the looks of his equipment and have read nothing but positive comments about his gear. Haven't heard them, but what I read "ticks all the right boxes".

I'm sure there are some good options out there in your price range. Have fun hunting for them.

There is a lot to like about companies like Decware--they are generous with sharing designs and engaging with their customers, their construction is pretty solid, and prices are quite reasonable. But, the two amps of theirs that I heard I simply did not like--they sounded a bit lifeless and lacking in body.  One must hear each candidate, or have the ability to either get out of a deal or accept some loss in trading (not much of problem with Decware because it appears to retain value) if you don't get to audition the gear. 

This is the case with any amps, but, I think SET amps are particularly sensitive as to specific use because of their low power output and their typically quite high output impedance (meaning that they often don't work well with low impedance speakers).  

Any SET amplifier you buy should have adjustable negative feedback as that greatly helps in getting the best sound out of different speakers.

I am really over SETs that have fixed zero negative feedback.And many of the most expensive ones are like that.They tend just to be a  fixed tone control.

I owned an Almarro 318B that was  very well balanced sounding SET and could drive many mainstream speakers.It had a moderate amount of negative feedback to assist in that regard.I had a variable negative feedback control installed and that really helped on certain speakers.I mostly preferred it with a bit less feedback but never with zero.


I owned an Almarro 318B that was  very well balanced sounding SET and could drive many mainstream speakers.It had a moderate amount of negative feedback to assist in that regard.I had a variable negative feedback control installed and that really helped on certain speakers.I mostly preferred it with a bit less feedback but never with zero.

This is a perfect example for why with regard to High End audio it will forever be, YMMV and  “horses for courses”.  It can’t be any other way because by default it is purely subjective (Which is good, no absolutes etched in stone). I have a different opinion, I believe that the less NFB , the more natural the sound quality. So for me a zero NFB well implemented amplifier will sound better.

I concede that it limits choice of speakers, thus less flexibility, a trade off I readily accept. No doubt others will prefer differently, as would be expected given the innate subjective nature of it all. Zero NFB amplifier matched with a compatible speaker will provide truly superb and natural/authentic sound. It just depends on what one is seeking. No right or wrong.
