What's going on with the used audio gear market?

OK, maybe I am unrealistic but I've bought and sold audio gear for the past 25 years off and on for my personal use  as I change out or upgrade.  It seems that a reasonable expectation is around 50% of MSRP or somewhere close. That has been what I've always sold for and bought for. Now I see stuff priced at 80-90% of MSRP. I am talking about things that are not really statement products and can be a few years old and they want 80%.  I just don't get it, this stuff for the most part depreciates rather quickly due to the advancement of technology. Is this a hold over from the Covid Inflation effect on supply and demand? I guess that supply and demand will eventually sort it out. 


+1 testpilot If they can get their asking price well good for them even if it is high. As you move up in the price range and the item is fairly new I can see asking more than 50%. I see ads for gear that is less than a year old that are asking more than 50% retail and I don’t blame them. For example ,let’s say you purchased a pair of speakers for $30K and after a few months you realize that they just aren’t working for you. If you sell them at 50% off retail you are taking a pretty substantial hit and someone is getting a pretty good buy. 

Anyone who sells below market value is a) not paying attention, b) not very good at 4th grade math, or c) an advocate for the greater good, unselfishly serving humanity.

Something else to consider is the replacement cost of those goods. If they are sold at 20% below current market value, the seller will not be able to replace them with similar goods at the same price. Thus, a very poor financial decision.

In past year I've sold some streaming devices at well over 50% price of new, lots of people getting into streaming, thriving market, especially at lower to medium end.


I've observed over the years some people ask high prices, item doesn't sell, no mark downs, item sits on market for months. I'm afraid some people very attached to audio components, emotional valuations don't compute for most of us buyers.

Post removed 


Just checked, 2 out of three have been re listed and the other I guess expired , but I’m not sure.

I remember doing a search for an OPPO 205 and sellers asking $6500.00 for them. I expect those listings are still there as well.😁