What's going on with the used audio gear market?

OK, maybe I am unrealistic but I've bought and sold audio gear for the past 25 years off and on for my personal use  as I change out or upgrade.  It seems that a reasonable expectation is around 50% of MSRP or somewhere close. That has been what I've always sold for and bought for. Now I see stuff priced at 80-90% of MSRP. I am talking about things that are not really statement products and can be a few years old and they want 80%.  I just don't get it, this stuff for the most part depreciates rather quickly due to the advancement of technology. Is this a hold over from the Covid Inflation effect on supply and demand? I guess that supply and demand will eventually sort it out. 


In past year I've sold some streaming devices at well over 50% price of new, lots of people getting into streaming, thriving market, especially at lower to medium end.


I've observed over the years some people ask high prices, item doesn't sell, no mark downs, item sits on market for months. I'm afraid some people very attached to audio components, emotional valuations don't compute for most of us buyers.

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Just checked, 2 out of three have been re listed and the other I guess expired , but I’m not sure.

I remember doing a search for an OPPO 205 and sellers asking $6500.00 for them. I expect those listings are still there as well.😁

@curiousjim Thanks.


Anyone who sells below market value is a) not paying attention, b) not very good at 4th grade math, or c) an advocate for the greater good, unselfishly serving humanity.


(d) wants to get stuff out of their house and that is more important than money
(e) wants liquidity to pay for something else, and timing is more important than profit
(f) probably a bunch of other reasons.

I listed some speakers at about 83% of cost, new. I got very few nibbles. I lowered it to 73% of cost and sold them. I had a clear, detailed description and excellent photos. I was willing to wait 6 months to sell them at the new, lower price. Because, I don't need the money right away and could also listen to them while they were listed.

The market will set used prices.  My guess is that there are a lot of buyers looking to upgrade to newer used equipment. I wanted Moondrop Blessing earbuds, but the market price for used buds was high.  I bought a pair of open box buds from the distributor, Apos, and got a warranty and comfort that they were in good working condition.  Buying used from dealers has some advantage.  And there are a lot of dealers selling lightly used gear.