Lumin how do i get next song in playlist???

This app is horrible. I highlighted a playlist. It has populated the right panel with a list of the songs. I Play the first song and after done it starts playing the next song from the left panel List

How do I get it to play the song next in the playlist in the right panel???

I’m searching for a manual, but my God why do I have to read a manual every time only use this damn thing?

I like the appearance of this app but it’s so damn difficult to use. I guess I’m so stupid I should not be using it


Yup Lumin app sucks. Great streamer though. Some say the Lumin app experience is better on a tablet but I never bothered. 

If you stream Tidal you can use Tidal connect. 
If not, I’d suggest giving Roon a try. 

I took a look on my phone and there is no "right list", but maybe this helps.  When you have a list of songs to play, don't tap, instead press and hold on the first song and a popup menu will appear.  Tap the one that has an arrow pointing right and three lines below it.  That should play the songs in your list.

Or just get rid of the Lumin app.  Before I got Roon I switched to BubbleUpNP.  The full version (you need to buy the BubbleUPnP UPnP/DLNA License) is 5 bucks.  Best money you'll ever spend.

Yes to get the best experience you need a full sized tablet. I tried it on an 8” Android and that was not so great. I wouldn’t even attempt it with a phone.

I am using a Lumin X1 with the Lumin app on an Android device. I have no problem; it may take a bit of a learning curve to get the hang of it.
