Looking for Speaker Recommendations


I am getting a new system and am looking for speaker recommendations. I will have a ma8950 and will, at least initially, be streaming exclusively. Focal and B & W are too bright and fatiguing. Wilson SabrinaX are good except for the price. Any thoughts? Thanks.


Sure, Magnepan 3.7i s would be perfect. They really do not take up much space because they are so thin. They are dipoles and line sources at most frequencies so they minimize the room interactions you get in smaller rooms. The tweeter is arguably the best tweeter in existence. If you want to spend more money get the 20.7s, one of the best speakers made given the price.  

Budget: 10k or less.

Sound characteristics: Serious presence but not fatiguing. If the recording is of a good live rock (not metal) concert, I want to hear all echo and digital delay effects, snap on drums, seriously good midrange and vocals, arpeggios on electric and acoustic guitars. 

Sonus Faber… maybe used Olympica.

I am now on my third set. See my systems.

I've got about the same size room and have been very happy with my Aurum Cantus V7F speakers. You might also look at the Paradigm 120H since the woofers have room correction built in.

Spendor D9.

Perfect synergy with your amplifier.  Dynamic, clear, refined and excellent deep bass.