Best High Current amplifiers stable into low impedances

Seems like all I hear when reading Stereophile’s measurements when it comes to speakers: must be used with a High current amplifier stable at 2 Ohm. Most amplifiers rarely give specs related to 2 ohm loads. Most amplifiers are only stable into 8 and 4 ohm loads, and if they mention 2 ohm it seems they aren’t saying continuous, but peak, short term power.
With speakers becoming more complex and harder to drive, what are some high current amplifiers that have no problem with these 2 ohm or lower impedance speakers?


Most Class A amps can do that as they typically have robust power supplies. Sanders Magtech, maybe Krell, Bryston, Parasound, Coda, McCormack etc.. I’d guess that most amps that near double into 4 Ohms would likely also handle a 2 Ohm load.

Perreaux 2150B - 340/680/920 wpc @ 8/4/2 ohms. Can be found on eBay for under $1K. I have one! 

When you get down to the 2 ohm range, it's best to talk to the manufacturer and tell them what loudspeaker you are trying to drive. Specs don't tell the whole story and I would not put a lot of faith in them.