@audioman58 Too much work to get streaming to sound as good as my CD playback.
Also, unless one downloads the music, one is at the mercy of TIdal or Qobuz from deleting music one may want to hear.
Next, only about 15% of streamed files are truly hi-rez. The rest are CD quality or worse, of unknown mastering providence.
One of my friends keep their CDs but only play them ripped via EAC to thumbdrives into computers/Berkeley/Meridian Ultradac in a $500,000 system.
I use a high end DAC and transport. After acquiring the Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Eurphoria digital cable, I enjoy my 7,000 CDs as much as my 28,000 LPs. I find 50's & 60's jazz CDs often sound as good or better than the LPs. Classical also can sound great. Unfortunately, rock and pop from the 70's on generally don't (bad digital mastering/compression/noise filtering, etc). The latter is the case for most streamed files as well. Occasionally, an entire series of CDs sound dreadful for those reasons (RCA/BMG remastered mono opera recordings from 10 years ago are compressed, bass shy, shrill, etc). They are no better streamed, only the early versions from the 80s sound like the LPs.