1st full tube amp Oldchen EL34

Picked this up inexpensively to try on my Klipsch Quartets or Chorus 1s. Do not know much about vacuum tubes. I have recapped many ss amps but this is foreign to me. Seeking any and all advice on various nuances. 

I have a significant amount of silver coated copper wire encased in PTFE, was considering replacing the wiring. Have not opened it up yet so more to come based on what I find. Thanks for any feedback. 


10 watts, single ended Class A=if it was designed as intended, and the tubes are quiet, it should sound great? At $250 shipped- BEST amp deal out there!

Could a great base for a DIY project, IF you know what you're doing?




What scares me about Chi Fi tube amps is how safe are they ?     Want a great amp that goes great with Klipsch that won't break the bank? Quicksilver  Horn Mono or Mid Mono.  Either pair can be had for less than $1200 if you are patient.   Super reliable.   

I agree with the Quicksilver amp recommendation! The Horn Mono amps are great.
