Direct Drive

I am firmly in the digital camp, but I’ve dabbled in vinyl.  Back in the day I was fascinated by Technics Direct Drive tt, but couldn’t afford them.  I was stuck with my entry level Gerrard.  I have been sans turntable for about 5 years now but the new gear bug is biting.  I am interested in the Technics 1500 which comes with an Ortofon Red and included pre amp.  I have owned Rega P5 which I hated for its speed instability and a Clearaudio Concept which was boring as hell.

  Direct Drive was an anathema to audiophiles in the nineties but every time I heard  one it knocked my socks off.  What do the analogers here think of Direct Drive?  I listen to Classical Music exclusively 

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I enjoyed the Rega P5, which I owned for about 5 years, on discs when the speed instability issues weren’t so prominent. Although the Moonlight Sonata sounded terrible, as noted, some other works such as the Second Bartok Piano Concerto really snapped into focus for me. There was real energy in the music that even the excellent digital transfer just didn’t quite capture and it increased my appreciation of the piece. However I listen to a lot of Piano Music, such as Chopin, Debussy, Satite, Beethoven, Mozart, and as someone noted upthread Piano Music is a severe test for turntables. Ultimately I didn’t want a tt that excelled on some records, was terrible on others and somewhere in between on most. The Clearaudio didn’t suffer speed instability but it also never made me say "Wow, I have to hear that piece again right now!" either, which the Rega did frequently

The only direct drive I would have any interest in would be the STST Motus II. It is the only DD turntable I know of that is properly suspended. Otherwise stick to belt drive. It is a much safer bet. 

The Thorens TD 1600 is an amazing turntable for the price. It has a great tonearm to boot. For $4000 you get a turntable that you can not surpass until you spend over twice as much.

at least do a search before asking such a broad question, many forum threads are devoted to the recent Technics 1200 series.  

in short they are audiophile no brainers.