Don't post often here but thought I would let you all know I stumbled on a pretty amazing performer in this little monitor.

I would say the midrange is on par with my Harbeth 40.1, treble has a tad more leading edge bite than the best soft dome but its a really good top end that never gets nasty. Dynamically they are performing way better than they should. I'm betting they would compete with the new 30.1 sonically, just a guess.

Have them running with 20X price electronics in a small office and they are not outclassed in any way. Made me want to keep throwing my best gear with them they sounded so good.

If you are in the market grab a pair, you will not regret. Saw two pair this morning for sale for around 1K, I can't think of anything in 20 years offering this much performance for 1K. You could build a world class non-full range sound around these.
And... they're soundstage and imaging are even better when they are placed on stands about 4'+ from the walls, toed in about 10-15 degrees and tilted up about 10-15 degrees.

Just an incredible, "you are there," life-like sound... even when you're off axis and standing - just a huge wall of sound.

Again... properly set up... very little betters these amazing monitor speakers (they are not "bookshelf" or "desktop" speakers).
Stereophile rated them "Class A, limited bass." In other words, from about 50 Hz on up, they compete in transparency and musicality with the best. Limitations, of course, are bass extension and ultimate dynamic range. But if you want the midrange magic and soundstaging of a class A speaker without spending 5 or 6 figures, this is evidently the place to start.

This is very tempting for me as I have a nice little pair of 8" subs that would match well with them.
I think they're nice looking speakers too. I can see myself getting a pair someday; or next week, lol.
A speaker I'd love to hear. So many interesting things in the design, and so well reviewed!
I have had the LS50's for about a month, powered by a Modwright KWA 100 SE and Klyne preamp and I am just blown away with them. The are articulate and detailed and image very well. Vocals are just pristine, without a hint of sibilance. I have a REL T-7 that mates very nicely with them, but honestly they have surprising good bass response without the sub. I heard them at CAS and RMAF last year and thought they sounded superb with all-MacIntosh electronics. Perhaps they strain a wee bit at high volumes, but I seldom find myself pushing them as I listen almost only to jazz. I thought the KEF Blades were the most desirable speakers I heard at the shows (compared to Wilson, Magico and the rest of the mega-buck speakers), but the LS50's have a lot, really, of the same magic as the Blades. My room is 12'X25'X9.5' and they perform wonderfully in my room. Are they the last word in detail and extention?... probably not, but they are delightfully musically. I give them great praise and listen to them for hours on end. Audition them soon as they may be a limited offering. For $1500, they are no-brainers! Cheers.