Suggestion for $10K soup to nuts digital?

I have Comcast/Xfinity coaxial cable to their modem/router in an Apple equipped office approximately twenty feet from a remote xFi Pod with 2 ethernet outputs next to my rack. If this source is adequate what would you suggest next with a $10K budget?  


Bricasti M1 dac streamer has several Sonic filters, and R2R dac 3 separate linear power supplies , low noise regulation. Sounds excellent ,I would highly recommend a high quality Ethernet cable AQ Diamond is a very good choice 

Anthony at Perrotta consultants. Gives excellent service and good deal especially if you buy a cable from him and power cord AQ Thunder is very good 

check out the reviews , I own Bricasti myself and very very low noise and very natural sounding totally isolated from noise before the M1 dac .and you can probably Get both these $1k cables with the M1 for around your $10 k budget.

Lumin T2 (Used) or the Lumin T3 new! Lumin X1 crazy good and comes with an excellent power supply. Roon Ready. Great price on used one in link.

These kind of discussions somehow often turn into platforms for dealers to promote their products. It would be much more meaningful if dealers sales pitches were separated by the administration from the public's opinions of products they experienced. However I do respect the dealers who openly state their business in their posts. Overall it is too much like reading Stereophile or Absolute sound where they mainly review equipment from companies that spend big bucks advertising in their magazines. There is basically very little objectivity in any of that. Either way, my two cents to the OP is your choices should all be based on how you want to connect to your internet and operate your streamer. Since I want to use my android phone as a remote to operate my streamer, my options immediately eliminate Auralic since it has no app for android. Also Lumin and Aurender are seriously lacking in their android apps to give you the results you would be happy with.  It leaves Innuos with their android sense app wich is highly rated. However, with the setup you listed, if you use an IPad or a computer, your options are much wider, lucky you. Unfortunately that is where this technology is at this point, the streaming system needs to be a good match for your internet feed and how you want to operate your streamer from it. I wish I had your options, but since my internet cable feed is in the main house and I have a separate power feed to my house of stereo, best I can do is wifi extender connected to streamer via ethernet cable. Plus I won't use any  tablets, too big for me to operate in my listening chair, so android phone it is and thankfully my bluesound setup works extremely well. Plenty of details under my system. Glad you are taking the dive for streaming regardless of the complexities, you won't regret it.

Lumin P1 is an all in one. Just add amp. Pre dac streamer all in one. 

off the wall suggestion wait for the mark II version of the ps audio Dorectstream dac and their streamer. Coming out next month and month after.  Together about 10k.  30 day tryout. Ted Smith is a genius and will write code updates for years. Directstream can be pre too but does work better with a pre as most do.