Early SOTA vs New Something: Conundrum


In a nutshell: 

I have a Series I SOTA Star from prior to 1986. I've had it about 12 years. It has early AudioQuest B300 cartridge.  The Sumiko MDC-800 Arm is the best part of the unit. No modifications. No maintenance ever as far as I know.

The Arm was installed where a previous arm sat (not by me) and is not positioned correctly. 

It needs at least a new cartridge. But after a chat on the phone with SOTA, it sounds like after these years (plus the arm mis-location)  it needs a bit more than that. Upgrades, adjustments etc...

I could do a new cartridge, but it appears a waste without doing other needed work to the TT.

Cartridge, Tonearm board with other needed upgrades I'm looking at about the price of a new table. Such as a Technics 1200G or some such version of.

Time to jump ship? Or I could ignore it all and continue to run it as is. It honestly doesn't sound horrible. Not great either. But bad enough I don't play vinyl much anymore in favor of CD- digital

I do have an extensive LP collection and wouldn't mind listening to it...





Thanks for the reply, yes a catch 22 indeed.

Yes it is an AQ B200. It may have been a rebadged something or other. It’s 20+ years old and then some.

Yes the springs have sagged. So the unit needs shipped back for that and then it just goes up from there. Should have a new motor I've been told. Maybe the new psu and what about the vacuum unit etc.... eek it gets big pretty fast.

Or maybe find a good used cartridge, toss it on and ignore the rest of it. 

Whether to spend big coin making the old table current, Maybe buy a new SOTA but then still need all the additional on top of that.

Or, is the Technics so inferior with a decent cartridge? It can’t be worse than what I have currently. The tonearm is 1cm back of where it should be. I have to run the cartridge at a 10 degree angle from straight in the headshell, which incredibly results in good balance L/R with a solid center.


BTW the TT goes to Luxman l595 MC phono then out to custom Altec 604 speakers with a several subs filling in the bottom. Pretty dynamic with decent enough soundstage and imaging. The 604 are not the last word in HF resolution...


Generally speaking upgrading/updating/refurbishing a good older piece of gear is less money than going out and buying something new. So you need to compare whatever Sota has quote you for the upgrades with what a new table would be. You may indeed need a new cartridge but that table is certainly doing your current cartridge, and arm, a disservice.

SOTA sent me a price list of updates and repair service I’m afraid I got a bit of sticker shock. That’s what got me started thinking of the Technics (for one) as it would be similar price or less all in. I just don’t know side by side if the SOTA has better potential for same money. 

The advantage of upgrading your SOTA will make it equivalent to a new table.  Getting that arm inspected and properly installed will allow whatever new cartridge you choose to shine.  I would upgrade your table and decide on a cartridge that fits your arm and phono preamp. You will rediscover your old collection!

Thanks for all the replies

I have taken a first step by ordering an AT ART9XI cartridge

The tonearm is solid even if it's not in optimal position.

This will show me what I can expect going forward with the SOTA as-is.

Or, to see what is SOrTA deficient (haha see what I did there?! ;-) and what repairs for SQ are needed.

If I end up getting a different table I will at least have a good cartridge to go on it.

