Audiogon infested with pop-up ads

I use an ad-blocker on my phone. Recently the forum crashes on one type of browser so I switched to Google Chrome and have no blocker on it. I'm stunned as how almost unusable AG is with the infestation of ads. Even since yesterday, a new type appears slap-bang in the middle of the feed. 


Use Chrome with new posts, old posts, nothing but posts all the time....

Listen to music to give y'all a soundtrack to expound to, since there's no popups to distract. *S*

Tonight: Jan Hammer's 'Crockett's Theme'.  Fits.

The ads have actually gotten more overbearing in the past couple of weeks. Usually you'd get a few with niche ebay gear nobody wants or the modern version of Chinese knockoff Affliction dad clothing. Now they've added like two more ads with one being a drop down banner at that top of the screen that doesn't go away and a middle of the thread huge ad with weird anime buff women. It's beginning to become unbearable. 

@j-wall Yes, that's exactly what got me real irked. Unbearable. So you have to get a free ad blocker app like Adblock Plus.

Thanks for all your comments. 

Summary with Adblock Plus installed on phone.

Samsung native browser:

Site crashes browser / dark mode works fine

Google Chrome: 

Ads everywhere, fuggitaboutit.

Microsoft Edge:

Works fine, ads blocked. / dark mode doesn't work