DAC Advice - Benchmark DAC 3

Hello Everyone. I am seeking advice. I am rebuilding my audio system after kids and space limitations. I have (being shipped soon) the Benchmark amp AHB2. I currently have old SF Concerto stand mounted bookshelf speakers which I plan to replace. Have not decided on the new speakers yet. I want/need a DAC. I am hard leaning to the Benchmark DAC3.

I need balanced output. I need analog input so I can tie it into my home theater system. I like the idea of a single item with volume control build in and different selectable inputs. I like the idea that it will be very compatible with the amp by the same company. I like benchmark as a company/group - I was able to call the company and speak to someone who was super helpful. I like the size as it fits my space well. I want a neutral DAC (and amp) that does not color the sound. I am not a super audiophile - I just want some solid gear that does not get in the way of the music that will last a long time - my hearing is not perfect nor is my room.

Since this DAC fits with what I need, any reasons that I should not buy this DAC? I just wanted to check with some experts before finally deciding so I don’t mess up. Thank you.



Sorry, had my head where the sun don't shine, my dac is the Benchmark DAC 3 DX, not the HG I reported it as.

The Old Fart

I made a mistake. I should have stated. I sold a $7.5K PREAMP to get another LA4 preamp. I never go DAC direct to amp when the LA4 to amp is better (for $2.5K)

@yyzsantabarbara "The DAC3 with volume is not great at low volume".

Super Interesting you mention that point. I had a DAC3B here for a few weeks, and while it had a nice dark and quiet background, huge sound stage, I just could not get use to the sound of it, and low-volume listening (even with my own separate preamp that does well with other DACs just fine), the DAC3B never quite gel’d with me. Was kinda shocked.  Could never figure out why. Maybe just preference. Who knows. I called Benchmark and asked them many questions, and if it needed more run in time. They said no, and were seemingly offended at my observations of what sounded like plain sound to me. Weird.

Its a super high quality very well made unit. I reluctantly returned the unit. Wanted to keep it, argh. Tested fine too, no issues with the unit.

I went back to my NOS R2R ladder dac with more distortion and engaging musicality. It was like "ahhh the music is back", there it is. Still wondering what else I could have tried with DAC3B. Maybe someday I’ll give it a do-over demo, to see what I missed.

@decooney Interesting observation. It is either preference or lack of synergy with the gear you were using. 

The DAC3B is a little 'hot' on top. I can tell that by listening on my uber revealing SR1a headphone, It is fatiguing on that gear with 2-channel. That is with the LA4 preamp and CODA 07x preamp. No issue with low volume though.

However, put the DAC3B on my tube RAAL VM-1a headphone amp and the sound is magic. The headphone amp is sort of an integrated amp in the sense it has preamp and amp built-in.


I had DAC 3 HGC. Running it into my amplifier direct did not sound nearly as good as running it into my preamp first (both Pass Labs). I don’t know how it will integrate with other benchmark pieces, I suspect it will be on. However in my experience there is no substitute for a good active linestage.

Yes the analog inputs are a nice feature and overall it’s a very nice DAC. I enjoyed while I had it.