which system page? please post impulse and phase plots. I had a look. I find the Sonus intolerable. The low end is just awful in every system I’ve heard. [I’ve never owned a ported system]. I didn’t care for Nordost speaker cables in any demo.
The QS have low output impedance, but if one looks at response into a real load, it is nowhere near flat.
Additionally, current drives the loudspeaker and voltage drives the sub. For any non purely resistive load I & V differ by an ever changing phase angle. Hence, a sub driven from the LS out can N E V E R be time correct with the mains.
I hear no compromises in bass production or lack there off.I'm sure there is plenty of level.
I must admit that Time Coherence is my grail and systems without it are uninteresting. IMO, frequency response is, and always has been, overrated.