I hear you. Agreed on reading reviews on new music and being disappointed once buying the album. Done that multiple times. That's where streaming truly gives its best value. You can listen to anything you chose for basically free other than the small monthly fee on a site like qobuz. And I am making the best of it. If anything is really good I might still buy the CD more so than the vinyl since those are more expensive each day and I must say I enjoy that savings and puting it in better equipment instead. However, for most albums I just keep them on qobuz in my favorites. Simple enough. And super easy to access. As far as new bands not measuring up to our old generation, I am 68, it would all depend on your tastes. I personally enjoy many bands from this century as much as I enjoyed the late 60s early 70s period that I grew up in. Like prog, prog alt or even prog metal and electronic music. A few examples are Porcupine Tree, Pineapple Thief, Riverside, Boris Blank, Yello, William Orbitt, Yeahman, Infected Mushroom, Marian Hill, OSI, HAAi, Lunatic Soul. Primus, to name a few.
Anyway, all this to say it makes it that I listen to my old favorite stuff less and less. As far as I am concerned there is still a good amount of great music out there even so the majority sucks. You just need to have a good search engine, the streamer, and time on your hands. I have both :)