Amp straight into the wall

I’ve seen more than a few members recomend going straight into the power oulet and not using power conditioners for power amps. I was hoping someone would explain the rationale behind me. I have been meaning to try that for awhile now, power conditioner is a Torus 15 , thx in advance for your input. 


Big difference between CAN and WILL. It's not automatic. I have lived in my home 26+ years. I had a dedicated 20 amp to a 4 outlet box installed shortly after moving in. I have owned a bunch of PLCs and in each case the various amps sounded better direct to wall. My current (NPI) PLC is a Core Power 1800. When I first got it my amp was plugged direct to wall. One day I got a bug to try plugging it into the 1800, and much preferred it that way

@bikeboy52; You have received some excellent answers to your question. The real test is try your amp into your power conditioner and next directly into the AC wall outlet and decide for yourself which sounds best. Finally let us know your findings ;-)

Out of curiosity what power cord are you using on your Prima Luna Evo 400 and what AC outlet are you using in the wall outlet?

Dedicated lines and no conditioners is the route to go. Only things I run through filters/conditioners are wall warts and digital.

Not familiar with your Torus 15 but many power "conditioners" do more harm that good.  Easy test to do on a day with no lightning.  Do it for a few hours or even a few days.   If your power conditioner is limiting your amp you'll hear increased bass, dynamics, and transitions.

Laser printer manufacturers tell you not to use a power conditioner because it causes a voltage sag that will prevent it from working correctly. Many amplifiers draw more current during transients than laser printers. Voltage sags will slow the recharging of the filter caps and that can cause less than optimal performance into low impedance loads. 

Same rationale as dedicated circuits for high power amplifiers.