Bragging rights.....

I recently conducted an experiment and ended up moving from a very good sounding system consisting of separate components that I carefully assembled over time to a "future fi" system. Only part of the  phono rig, old speakers, their setup within the rooms, and speaker wires remain.

A Cambridge Evo 150 all-in-one replaced 9 different components including interconnect wires. I held onto all the old stuff until I reached the point where I was convinced they were no longer needed and recently have started to sell some of it to others.

The new streamlined system sounds really good! I’m not missing all that older stuff nor the work that went into assembling a good sounding system myself. ALso the flexibility to listen to music in many ways utilizing many different sources as desired is incredible!

So I think I lose some bragging rights.... it was easy to buy that one unit, hook it up, and deliver the good sound I always crave. Anybody could do it!

Also I think I no longer would lay any claim to being an "audiophile" anymore having made things so relatively simple. I will call myself an "audio enthusiast" now, however I still will always want to keep an eye on what else is out there...especially the latest and greatest innovative applications of technology that might still move things forward. "Future Fi" is the term I have read that seems to describe these kinds of transformative products these days.





Fortunately, there are many groundbreaking ‘all-in-one’ products now available that can yield to a very satisfying Audiophile experience. Cambridge EVO 150 certainly one of them. May I know what speakers you’re pairing with EVO 150?

Another product that peaked my interest is KEF LS60. I am hoping to audition them soon :-)

Congrats on your epiphany! Sounds like you've taken the path that reviewers John Darko and Andrew Robinson have: a simplification of system while maintaining the quality of the older, complex one. Future Fi indeed.

All the best,

I tried this some time back with the Simaudio ACE and found it nice and had great sound but the DAC was lacking compared to my Simaudio 680D.

My next-door neighbor is loving the ACE though as he purchased it from me.

Need to give the Cambridge unit a try, the NAD products I tried were just not my thing. Very glitchy. 



Still running Ohm F5s in larger adjacent L shaped room (still my main listening place via in-wall speaker wire) and KEF ls50 meta + Klipsch sw308 sub in smaller 12X12 where the other gear resides, where I also listen somewhat regularly.

YEs, KEF ls60 is one of the other "future fi" products that interests me greatly.