Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?

1. No

2. Hardwood floor, supplied spikes and floor savers.

3. I did. The A5 is better across the board. It's a safe upgrade.  

There is no one best manufacturer or best speaker, it's completely subjective. Also, so much depends on the amp(s), preamp and source when demoing. 


All that said, a few years back when looking for my next speaker the top of my list included Magico S3, Evolution Acoustics MM3, Vandersteen 7 and Vivid Audio Giya G2. After extensive listening I purchased the Vivids. I could have likely lived happily with the Vandersteens also. Some months later I had the opportunity to hear the Magico M3s and they are very, very good. They might just be my next speaker.

I have never heard a loudspeaker. What I have heard is loudspeakers as a vital component of a system. Over the past few years, I have heard two systems that stood out. One had Sonus Faber Aria IIs with top-tier Audio Research amplification and dCS Vivaldi stack as the source. The other was the Magico M2 with top-tier Luxman amplification and Aurender digital sourcing; I should mention that it also used more than $30k of Shunyata conditioning and power cords, and similarly expensive cabling, too, I am sure. Let me add that the “Magico” experience was jaw-droppingly superb. However, I also heard M2s at another dealer with a totally different setup. There, what I heard was essentially mediocre.

Obviously, in my estimation, the M2s have outstanding potential. Whether that potential can result in one hearing a revelatory audio experience is another matter altogether. 

I've had the opportunity to hear several different models of Magico speakers on several occasions, and I was very impressed on each occasion, just as I was on the occasions I got to hear offerings from many other high end brands as well.  There's a plethora of speaker manufacturers out there who make extremely fine sounding speakers and Magico is just one of them.  Obviously, Magico isn't for everyone, but, a fine speaker indeed.  Personally, I'll stick with my beloved Revel Salon 2 speakers.     

You get what you pay for and Magico gives you your money's worth. They are easily one of the best dynamic speakers made today if not the absolute best. My only problem with them is that I prefer line source ESLs. Putting Tektons in the same category is an insult of extreme proportion. That is like putting a Yugo in the same category as Ferrari. The only reason Magico's are not for everybody is everybody can not afford them.